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The Advantages of Evaporative Cooling

Evaporative coolers provide efficient cooling in hot, dry climates. Also known as swamp coolers, the coolers use water-absorbing pads, pumps and tubing, motors, fans or squirrel cages to distribute water over the pads. Air blows through the pads, evaporating the water, which cools the air by as much as 30 degrees Fahrenheit. Evaporative coolers use less electricity than air conditioners, which is a primary reason people in the southwest U.S. use these coolers.
  1. Distribution

    • Swamp coolers work well in Arizona, New Mexico, west Texas, Utah, Nevada and the deserts of southeastern California, where summer humidity levels are low and temperatures are high. Evaporative coolers operate best when the dew point, a measure of the temperature and humidity, falls below 55 degrees Fahrenheit. People and companies who use these coolers experience cool air in the mornings and evenings since the output temperature of the coolers drop when the outdoor temperatures fall. Some people use thermostats with their coolers to automatically shut them off, once the interior temperature falls below 72 degrees Fahrenheit during the evening. Most people who use air conditioning keep their thermostats set at 82 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and drop the temperature to 80 degrees Fahrenheit at night.


    • The most effective evaporative coolers sit outdoors, surrounded by the hot, dry air. Three types of coolers exist. A downdraft cooler sits on top of a roof, while a side-draft cooler can sit in a window or a wall. Many times, roof-mounted coolers tie into the heating ducts in homes, distributing the cool air throughout the house. Window mounted evaporative coolers are easier to maintain, since people do not need ladders to access them. Portable coolers are on wheels, so users can use them wherever they wish.


    • Besides being energy efficient, evaporative coolers provide fresh air inside a structure throughout the hot season. The coolers force air inside buildings, and windows need to be open, slightly, to let the air escape. The constantly moving air also adds to the comfort inside the building as can the extra humidity that the swamp coolers add to the indoor air, reducing dry skin discomfort. Because the coolers move air through the house outdoors quickly, odors do not build inside structures, and any heat generated inside by equipment or appliances does not build.

    Environmental Impact

    • Besides the electrical savings, evaporative coolers do not use any harmful chemicals to cool the air. Refrigerants in air conditioners can be toxic, which is why the Environmental Protection Agency requires anyone who discharges refrigerant in cars or air conditioning compressors to have a license and equipment to recover it. Evaporative coolers are easy to maintain, and no special licensing or certification is required to work on a unit. The motors and pumps on swamp coolers are small enough to utilize power from solar panels directly or stored in batteries for use at night and on cloudy days.