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Rustic Furniture Making Tools

Making rustic furniture the authentic way means knowing how to use old-fashioned woodworking tools that don’t take advantage of the convenience of the electrical outlets spread around your workshop. The tools that are used for making traditional furniture all accomplish the same thing as their modernized power counterparts, but the fuel that turns the drill and drives the screws and nails is supplied by sweat.
  1. Handsaws

    • Handsaws should have teeth that are ground to the utmost precision. These teeth should be the same height and set to the same angle at an identical degree. Irregularities in a handsaw will make the creation of rustic furniture go much slower while also resulting in a sloppy end product.


    • A drawknife is an essential tool for the authentic rustic furniture maker. A drawknife is simply a very long blade with a handle placed on its end. This vital component in rustic woodworking projects is used for shaving off layers of wood from the surface of the timber.

    Coping Saw

    • Your coping saw needs to have a durable steel frame you can trust and count on. You need to have the ability to turn the blade so that it faces either side without the tension being lost as you work.


    • Sharp chisels made of tempered steel need to be capable of doing intricate woodworking jobs as well as be strong enough to take the punishment of a mallet. The blade of the chisel really cannot be sharp enough, so be sure to invest in a benchstone for maintaining a fine edge.

    Mallets, Hammers and Hatchets

    • While you will certainly use a chisel without a mallet when making rustic furniture, you will want to invest in a quality hammer for the tougher work. Hammers and mallets will also be required for nailing, driving wedges and inserting pegs. Hammers made from durable hardwood like oak or applewood will last longer. A hatchet can also be used for hammering purposes by turning it upside down, and you will certainly be using the blade side of a hatchet for things ranging from stripping bark to removing slices from waste wood.

    Hand Drill

    • The drill that is used for making rustic furniture authentically should not be one that plugs into the wall or needs batteries. Hand drills require elbow grease to work, but do come with conveniences like adjustable bits. A hand drill works just like an electric drill by allowing you to use different sized bits to accomplish varying tasks.


    • Adjustable C-clamps are going to come in very handy for the artisan making rustic furniture. These clamps allow furniture pieces to be held tightly in place even at odd angles so that you can go about the difficult work of creating a useful piece of furniture with these tools that require more from you than modern power tools.