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When to Plant Vegetables by the Moon?

The moon makes a complete cycle every 28 to 29 days, moving through all 12 astrological signs. During this time it also waxes and wanes, from new to full and back. Some people swear by timing their planting by this cycle, while others scoff. Trying it is the only way to find out for yourself. Plant some seeds at the recommended times and some seeds at times that shouldn't work and look for any differences.
  1. Moon Sign Gardening Basics

    • As the moon waxes, the energy of a plant goes outward, into leaves, fruit and flowers. This is a time of growth and expansion. As it wanes, the energy moves downward, into the roots, toward the permanent parts of the plant. As the moon moves through the astrological signs, each one adds a certain flavor to the two or three days it is dominant. Though somewhat complex, this system allows gardeners to use the natural rhythms of nature to enhance their harvests.

    During The Waxing Moon

    • Any plant that should produce a crop above the ground, such as lettuce, broccoli, tomatoes, and beans, is best planted during the waxing moon. This is also a good time to fertilize and pinch or prune to increase growth.

      If you want to finetune your planting, use the first quarter for planting anything that produces seeds outside the portion you eat, such as lettuce and broccoli. Tomatoes, beans and melons are all vegetables that produce seeds inside the fruit and are best planted during the second quarter.

    During The Waning Moon

    • All the root vegetables are best planted during the third quarter of the moon, including radishes, carrots, potatoes and beets. The waning moon is also a good time to transplant perennials and biennials because of the enhanced energy to the roots. The fourth quarter is not considered to be a good time for planting, but weeding, mulching and preparing beds are all appropriate.

    Astrological Signs And Planting

    • You can use the phases of the moon for planting guidance, but for best results you'll need to pay attention to the astrological sign that is dominant at that time. Each exerts an influence for two to three days and, though you may find the restrictions confining, you may eventually experience them as aids to focusing your work.

      The signs are divided into air, fire, water and earth elements, three each. The air signs, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, are generally not good for planting, though Libra is an exception, being one of the best for flowers and herbs.

      Earth signs -- Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are fertile and excellent for seeding vegetables, especially root crops. Water signs -- Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces -- are also good for planting. But fire signs -- Aries, Leo and Sagittarius -- are best used for weeding and harvesting.