Home Garden

Growing Tips for Miracle Gro for Vegetables

Scotts Miracle Gro is a fertilizer geared toward the home gardener. Many types of Miracle Gro are available, but when growing vegetables and tomatoes, choose the fertilizer specifically formulated for vegetable gardens. Regularly feeding plants, especially heavy producers like vegetables, increases yield and helps keep plants strong and vigorous. Fertilizing replaces nitrogen, potassium, phosphorous and trace minerals like calcium in the soil, which growing plants leach out and use for production. These nutrients are vital to the success of your vegetable garden.
  1. Timing

    • Fertilize right before planting transplants or seeds. If planting from seed, wait until the plants reach around 6 inches in height, and fertilize again. Wait for blossoms to appear on your plants, then fertilize again, and every two weeks until the plants stop producing. Since the ingredients contain no harmful toxins, it is safe to use Miracle Gro at harvest time.

    How to Use

    • When sowing or transplanting, dig a furrow down the center of your row. Fill the furrow with your Miracle Gro fertilizer of choice. Place your seeds or transplants into the furrow and back fill around the roots, or cover seeds with the recommended soil depth. When plants reach 6 inches, dig a shallow trench a few inches deep down the row beside the young plants and fill the trench with fertilizer. Use a water-soluble fertilizer while the plants are blooming and use it with a garden hose attachment.

    Delivery Method

    • One method of delivering maximum fertilization to the roots of your plants without getting fertilizer on the leaves is to use soda bottle funnels. Use a 20-oz. plastic bottle with the lid removed. Cut the bottom off the bottle. Bury it next to the plant with the neck angled toward the plant's roots, and fill with fertilizer and water. This method replaces watering with a soluble fertilizer. Do a funnel for each plant in your garden.

    Don't Overdo It

    • It is possible for plants to get too much of a good thing, so fertilize with the package instructions in mind. Perennial vegetables often do not require as much feeding as annuals, and you can boost annual bloom and production by feeding regularly. If plants appear stressed and you are feeding frequently, decrease the frequency of feeding. Over-fertilization and weaken perennials' roots. Always water plants a day before you intend to apply Miracle Gro for best results.