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How to Grow Commercial-Grade Lettuce

Growing lettuce hydroponically is becoming an increasingly popular method of producing commercial-grade lettuce with a small-scale setup that does not require land. Hydroponic systems can be purchased for several thousand dollars or more, but a beginning lettuce grower may decide to build his own. Although homemade systems require more labor than purchased systems and may not be as effective, they are still a way to grow commercial grade lettuce without much start-up capital or investment.

Things You'll Need

  • Wooden tray
  • Plastic lining
  • Nest pots
  • Sprouted lettuce plants
  • Styrofoam sheet
  • Hydroponic fluid
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    • 1

      Construct a large wooden tray with sides that are at least 4 inches high. Line the tray with plastic sheeting.

    • 2

      Place a sheet of Styrofoam over the wooden tray. It must be able to rest over it.

    • 3

      Cut holes in the Styrofoam will fit the net pots. The holes should be at least 6 inches apart. Place the net pots into the holes with the started lettuce seedling. Although net pots come in various forms, they all have sides and bottoms with large spaces that allow the lettuce roots to extend out of them.

    • 4

      Fill the wooden tray with 2 to 3 inches of hydroponic nutrient fluid, leaving about 1 inch of air space between the bottom of the Styrofoam sheet and surface of the fluid. The fluid will provide all the essential products the lettuce needs to grow quickly.

    • 5

      Change or add the fluid according to the manufacturer's instructions for the hydroponic fluid. This will depend on the brand of the fluid and the concentration of the plants. The fluid will be consumed quicker as the plants get bigger.

    • 6

      Harvest the lettuce when it has developed a full head. The time it takes to reach harvest potential varies according to the type of lettuce and strength of the hydroponic fluid. Most heads will take about five to six weeks to reach full potential.