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How to Tell If Brussels Sprouts Are Ready to Be Picked

Although often much maligned, because of their tasteless reputation, Brussels sprouts are one of the most healthy vegetables available. As well as providing excellent sources of vitamins K and C, they have have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and cancer preventing properties. Sprouts are harvested between September and March and are said to have the best flavor after a frost. Sprouts can be eaten fresh, frozen for future use or pickled to produce a tasty snack. The key to obtaining the best taste is knowing when to pick them in optimum condition.

Things You'll Need

  • Sharp knife
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      Check the size and color of your Brussels sprouts. They should be green and in tightly formed buds that are approximately 1 inch in diameter, about the size of a walnut.

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      Wait for the first frost before you harvest them. The temperature should be around freezing when you pick them - this is said to produce the best flavor.

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      Hold each sprout in your hand and firmly twist or cut it from the stalk. Only harvest a few at a time from each stalk, so that the season is prolonged.

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      Choose only tightly formed, green sprouts. Avoid those with yellow leaves or those that have opened.