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How to Cut Red Cabbage

Cabbage is a vegetable that is rich in nutrients and dietary fiber. It can be cooked or eaten raw. Red cabbage is dense, much like savoy cabbage. Because of its deep, rich color, red cabbage has an increased number of phytonutrients. It also has more anthocyanin, an antioxidant that accounts for its red color, and vitamin C than other types of cabbage. Cutting cabbage thin makes it easy to eat raw; it also allows for quick cooking time.

Things You'll Need

  • Stainless steel knife
  • Cutting board
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    • 1

      Chill the cabbage in the refrigerator. Chilled cabbage is firmer and easier to cut.

    • 2

      Use a stainless steel knife to cut the cabbage. Other types of metal can react with the chemicals and turn the cabbage black.

    • 3

      Place a cutting board on a stable cutting surface.

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      Remove any wilted leaves on the outside of the cabbage.

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      Cut the cabbage in half, through the center of the stem.

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      Divide the two halves again, so that the cabbage is divided into fourths at the stem.

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      Cut the core and stem out of each of the halves; this part of the cabbage is tough and inedible.

    • 8

      Place the flat side of one quarter of the cabbage face down on the cutting board.

    • 9

      Slice thinly down the length of the piece of cabbage, repeating the process until it is completely cut.