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How to Make Freeze-Proof Dirt

Trappers often use waxed dirt to line traps. This is especially helpful during the winter months, when regular dirt might freeze and interfere with catching prey. The wax in the dirt makes it freeze-proof, thus eliminating most winter hunting problems. Some trappers purchase waxed dirt but it's cheaper to make it yourself.

Things You'll Need

  • At least 7 pounds of flaked wax
  • At least 15 pounds of non-organic dirt
  • Drying table
  • Three 5-gallon buckets
  • 1-inch by 6-inch piece of wood
  • Plastic tent
  • Bricks
  • Wheelbarrow
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    • 1

      Obtain at least 7 pounds of flaked wax during the winter months. Put the wax in the freezer or another cold place so it won't melt.

    • 2

      Collect 15 gallons of dirt for each 7 pounds of flaked wax. The dirt must be as free of organic material as possible. Use landscaping dirt that has been around for awhile, because the organic material decays with time.

    • 3

      Sift the dirt into 5-gallon buckets. Pour the sifted dirt onto your drying table and use a 1-inch by 6-inch piece of wood as a trowel to make the dirt about three-quarter-inch thick.

    • 4

      Put a plastic tent over the dirt and table to dry the dirt. Secure the tent by putting bricks on each corner. During the day, leave the tent open so moisture can escape; close the tent at night so humidity can't get into the dirt. Check your dirt each day until it is completely dry.

    • 5

      Remove the tent. Pour the wax over the dirt and spread it evenly. Replace the tent and close it for two to three days so the wax melts into the dirt. When the wax is ready, you won't see anymore wax flakes in the dirt.

    • 6

      Put the dirt in a wheelbarrow and move the wheelbarrow to a shaded area. Two or three times during the late afternoon and early evening, turn the dirt with a garden cultivator to stop it from drying into a block.

    • 7

      Sift the freeze-proof dirt back into the 5-gallon buckets, cover and store in a shaded area. Repeat the process with the next 15 pounds of dirt and 7 pounds of wax flakes until you have made enough freeze-proof dirt for your purposes.