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Weight of Topsoil

Topsoil is the rich, dark uppermost layer of the Earth's crust in which plants grow, and is composed primarily of decayed plant and animal substances. Several factors affect how heavy topsoil is at any given time.
  1. Features

    • Topsoil is sold in varying amounts, from small bags found at garden centers to dump truck loads. A cubic foot of topsoil weighs roughly 100 lbs., depending upon its moisture content. Sold by the truckload and measured in yards, this translates to a weight per cubic yard of roughly 2,700 lbs.

    Topsoil Formation

    • Topsoil is composed of minerals, water, air and decomposing vegetation. It takes hundreds of years to create just an inch of topsoil. The weight of topsoil is determined by the amounts of organic matter used during its creation and the amount of water it contains. Topsoil weight increases during rainy weather and decreases during dry spells. The same amount of topsoil taken from the same area at different times of the year will most likely not weigh the same.


    • In addition to moisture content, the texture of topsoil also affects its weight. In general, the sandier the soil, the lighter it will be, while clay soils will weigh more.