Home Garden

How to Grow Rose Bushes

A Rose Garden are a beautiful, colorful addition to any yard. They do need a lot of care, but their beauty makes your time spent all worthwhile.


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      Plant your roses 2 to 3 feet apart. They need plenty of air circulation. They need to be planted in an area that will get 4 to 6 hours of sun light.

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      Water your roses at ground level. This helps to prevent Black Spot. Black Spot is a fungus that develops when the leaves of your roses are wet. Usually the humidity is high and the temperatures are in the 70's. Watering your entire rose bush will help to provide the perfect environment for Black Spot, you do not want that! Black Spot is just that, black spots on the leaves of your rose bushes. The entire cane needs to be cut and thrown away, keep it away from your other roses because Black Spot is air born and can affect other roses. Black Spot can be treated with a commercial anti-fungal made for Black Spot. Roses need to be treated throughout the summer approximately once a week. There are many roses grown to be Black Spot resistant.

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      Aphids and Beetles are also attracted to roses. I usually make my own bug spray from tobacco, Listerine and dish washing detergent and spray my roses after every rainfall. This mixture is toxic and should not be used if you have pets or small children.

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      Feed your roses every 2 weeks. I personally like Miracle Grow for Roses. It really does make a difference. Roses are bigger and healthier.

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      Roses need to be pruned in order for them to bloom throughout the summer. After the rose blooms and its beauty begins to fade cut the bloom off at the following point: the rose will be located at the top of the cane start by going down the cane towards the ground, there will be little shoots of leaves many will have 3 leaves, keep going down until you find the shoot with 5 leaves. Cut at an angle 1/4 of an inch above the shoot with the 5 leaves. This will encourage new buds and keep your roses blooming all summer.