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Edging for Your Garden Pond

A designer is left with lots of choices to make once a small garden pond graces the yard. How the designer approaches edging a garden pond will depend on several factors, such as budget and labor, but one of the most important is aesthetics.
  1. Features

    • Choose a design that creates the effect you want. Medium-sized rocks and plants work well for a pond designed to blend in and complement a yard. Large boulders and bricks are appropriate for a pond intended as the focal point.


    • Not all plants thrive in a wet environment. Speak to an expert to learn which work best for your climate, but a few you usually can count on include water lilies, lotus, arrowheads, cattails and taro. Pick plants with maintenance in mind, and avoid deciduous bushes that litter the pond with leaves in fall. When it comes to the budget, know your limits. Hauling in huge granite boulders will cost a lot more than retaining wall bricks, smaller mid-sized rock borders filled in with gravel or liners textured and painted to look like rock.


    • Whatever materials you choose for pond edging, keep them in balance with the feature. Install large rocks and plants for a large pond, and mid-sized rocks and plants for a small pond. Don't overcrowd the edge, so the plants have room to grow.