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Desert Rock Landscaping

Landscaping in extremely dry and arid locations requires careful planning to bring out their natural beauty. A growing number of homeowners, especially those who live in desert-like locations, prefer desert rock landscaping over other types of landscaping since the design showcases alluring combination of patterns of both living and subdued colors amidst solid rock structures. Desert rock landscaping provides a breathtaking deviation from the monotonous aura of desert lands.
  1. Challenges of Desert Rock Landscaping

    • Most challenges and failures in desert rock landscaping arise due to poor planning. While it's true that rock landscaping achieves a creative yet spontaneous design, most homeowners would dive into the task of purchasing landscaping materials without first planning the task ahead. For example, placing the layout of the rocks require clearing away weeds and controlling them from the start of the landscaping project. Securing the rocks safely on the desired location in preparation for heavy rains will prevent rocks from washing out. This may require changing the physical appearance of the location drastically, which means putting extra effort and money to complete the project. It's also important to decide beforehand whether you'll use native or exotic plants. Preparing your soil to suit exotic plants is necessary prior to planting. Some exotic plants require plenty of water. Native plants, however, often require less care because they thrive well in your location.

    The Friendly Points of Desert Rock Landscaping

    • Desert rock landscaping can lead to a fascinating hobby that's relatively friendly on the budget in the long run. Most landscapes require costly maintenance and huge amounts of water to sustain its beauty and quality. Desert rock landscaping, in general, requires little water, sometimes none, especially when you don't use plants. Ornamental plants that complement desert rock landscaping, such as drought-tolerant plants and succulents, require a small amount of water only. Some examples of such ornamental plants are kangaroo's paws, aloe vera and cacti.

    Maintenance of Desert Rock Landscaping

    • It's not easy to camouflage weeds in a desert rock landscape because it's not loaded with vegetation. A small weed can stand out even from a distance amidst the rocks. Remove weeds while they're still small so that they will not overpower your desert rock landscape. Using herbicides and a hoe will work on larger weeds. Removing excessive grass and other plants helps in achieving and sustaining the appearance of desert isolation. Maintaining rocks used to fill in gaps between flowery plants will keep your desert rock landscape looking attractive. Clean rocks with water using a garden hose to remove debris and loose dirt. Replace some rocks that washed away after a heavy downpour.

    Desert Rock Landscaping Tips

    • Use river rocks for easier desert rock landscaping since they are relatively small and lightweight. They're easier on the feet when used as pathways. Use soil mixed with gravel as a base prior placing heavy rocks or boulders to prevent them from sinking. Although typified by cacti, the desert rock design may also play on other plants that are evergreen or plants that bear flowers during certain seasons. Installing retaining walls and adding palo verde or mesquite trees will capture that open and spacious effect of desert landscaping. The drama of vast desert plains combined with a touch of green right at your doorsteps will certainly offer a unique and beautiful landscape alternative.