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How to Set a Flagstone in the Sand

Flagstones are large flat rocks often used as components of pathways and other landscaping features. Since they are nearly flat, they provide a base for anything set on them. You can often see them used as steps, as well as staked upon each other in water features in ponds and pools. To place them correctly, you must set them in a soft surface --- usually sand --- that will cradle them and allow you to level them.

Things You'll Need

  • Garden rake
  • Tamper
  • Level
  • Rubber mallet
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      Pour the sand onto the area where you plan to set the flagstone.

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      Spread out the sand with the back of a garden rake. Make it level so you will not have to spend as much time leveling when you are tamping.

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      Tamp the sand down with a tamper --- a flat piece of metal attached to a handle. Lift the tamper, then force it down onto the sand to compact it. Use a level to ensure you have leveled the sand.

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      Place the flagstone into the sand. Wiggle it around to set it firmly. Check whether the stone is level; if not, tap it with a rubber mallet in the direction that will make it level.