Home Garden

How to Kill Aphids on Cilantro

Many homeowners choose to grow their own herbs in pots or in an outdoor herb garden in order to have an ever-ready supply of fresh herbs. Outdoor herbs like cilantro, however, can fall prey to insect pests like aphids which can damage or even destroy the plant. In order to get the most out of your cilantro plant, consider implementing a few natural pest control methods. These methods are non-toxic, which means that they will not harm your cilantro plant, but they are also effective in warding off pests like aphids.

Things You'll Need

  • Pot (optional)
  • Aluminum foil
  • Nitrogen-rich fertilizer
  • Liquid dish soap
  • Cooking oil
  • Water
  • Spray bottle
  • Garlic
  • Mineral oil
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      Move your cilantro plant away from other plants in the garden to prevent the transference of insect pests. If your cilantro is planted in the ground you may do this by simply transplanting it to another less crowded section of the garden or you may plant it in a pot positioned in direct sunlight.

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      Spread pieces of aluminum foil around the base of your cilantro plant. The foil will reflect sunlight which will bounce off the underside of the leaves, making them less visible to aphids from below. The extra light will also help your cilantro plant to grow.

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      Limit the use of nitrogen-enriched fertilizer in your garden or at least around your cilantro plants because nitrogen-rich soil is favorable for aphid reproduction. Either discontinue use of this type of fertilizer or apply small amounts throughout the growing season rather than all at once.

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      Create a homemade insect spray by combining 1 tablespoon of liquid dish soap with 1 cup of cooking oil. Combine 4 teaspoons of this mixture with 1 pint of water in a spray bottle and apply it heavily to the leaves and stalks of your cilantro plant, paying special attention to the underside of the leaves. This mixture will not harm your plant and the soap in the spray will kill aphids that come into contact with it.

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      Concoct an organic insect repellant by combining 1 bulb of finely minced garlic with 2 teaspoons of mineral oil and letting the mixture steep for 24 hours. Slowly add a pint of water and 1 teaspoon of liquid dish soap to the solution and spray it on and around your cilantro to ward off aphids and other insect pests.

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      Check your cilantro plant frequently for signs of infestation so you can take action immediately to prevent further damage. Aphids are the most destructive during warm weather, when temperatures are between 60 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit.