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What Kind of Bugs Are Eating My Okra?

Okra is a member of the Hibiscus family. The vegetable is often used in soups or stews and may be eaten fried or pickled. It is most commonly grown in areas with long, hot summers, as it thrives in hot weather. Okra is susceptible to a variety of damaging insects, all of which feed on the plant's juices.
  1. Types

    • Okra is often damaged by aphids and whiteflies. Potato aphids, green peach aphids and spirea aphids are among the most common species found on growing okra. Silverleaf whiteflies are most common on okra. Both aphids and whiteflies damage okra by piercing the foliage with their sharp mouthparts and feeding on sap, and both insects produce honeydew, which attracts sooty mold fungi. Okra is also susceptible to attack from a variety of caterpillars including fall armyworms, southern armyworms and cabbage loopers. Caterpillars are very damaging to plants because they feed in large groups and reproduce rapidly.

    Signs and Symptoms

    • Honeydew-producing insects such as aphids and whiteflies remove plant sap from the leaves, causing them to appear speckled or flecked. Aphids have toxins in their saliva, which they inject into the plant, causing thickening or curling of plant leaves. Both aphids and whiteflies are typically found feeding on the underside of okra leaves. After feeding, these insects produce honeydew, which is a sticky sweet excrement. Sooty mold fungi adheres to honeydew patches on okra plants, where it grows to form a black velvety covering of fungus, which is unsightly. Caterpillars typically chew leaves and can defoliate entire plants while feeding. Large numbers of feeding larvae often kill okra. Caterpillars feed at all hours during the day and are easily spotted on plants.

    Cultural Control

    • Aphids and whiteflies may often be removed from infested okra plants with water sprays. Washing your okra with strong jets of water from your garden hose can remove these insects and reduce their damage. Repeat water sprays several times each week for best results. Remove caterpillars by hand and drop them in a large bucket of soapy water to kill them.

    Chemical Control

    • Horticultural oils and soap solutions can control aphids and whiteflies on your okra. Both of these chemical products work best when thoroughly applied to infested plants, including the undersides of leaves, since they are contact insecticides. Horticultural oils can also help loosen sooty mold fungi, making it easier to remove from your okra. Caterpillars are best controlled with insecticides containing active ingredients such as spinosad. Be sure to follow the directions on the product label for maximum effectiveness and safety.