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How to Keep Birds Away From Rain Gutters

There are more than 9,000 species of birds on the planet, and more than 1,000 of these species are here in the United States. If any of these birds are pecking, breaking or tearing your gutters, you can easily eliminate the problem without harming the birds. Birds are an important part of the food chain because they help control the rodent and insect population. With a few simple changes you can still reap the benefits of having birds in your yard, without the damage to your gutters.

Things You'll Need

  • Spade
  • Rake
  • Tape measure
  • Gutter covers
  • Owl
  • Bird feeder
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      Clean your gutters out with a spade, all around the home. Get all leaves, debris and collected water out. Dump the mess onto the ground. Clean the debris up with a rake and dispose of it. Mosquitoes and other insects live in this debris stuck in your gutters, which attracts birds to feed.

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      Apply a screen over the gutters. Measure the length of your gutters before going to the hardware store. Most gutter covers easily snap on over the gutters and are easy to assemble. This will prevent leaves and other items from building up in your gutters, and also birds from coming in. Routine cleaning of your gutters is still recommend.

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      Place a large, fake owl on the roof of your home. Multiple owls may even be needed for large roofs. Many birds such as crows are afraid of owls, and this will keep them away. Move the owl around occasionally so the birds don't become comfortable with its location.

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      Put bird feeders away from the home. This will keep the birds and other animals that are attracted to the seed from coming close to your home, on your roof or in your gutters. The farther you can place the feeder, the more successful this will be.