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How to Lay Grass Tufts

Grass tufts, more commonly known as sprigs, are pieces of grass stem with at least one node. Several warm-season turf grasses are commonly planted with sprigs, including zoysia, St. Augustine and hybrid Bermuda grass. While sprigging is less expensive than installing sod, it is more time-consuming, and the lawn takes longer to establish. Sprigs are best planted on amended, graded soil in late spring or early summer.

Things You'll Need

  • Hoe
  • Lawn roller
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      Use a hoe to create 2-inch-deep trenches, 6 to 12 inches apart, in the planting area.

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      Place the grass tufts 3 to 6 inches apart in the trench with the roots down.

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      Cover the tufts with the soil removed when you dug the trench, allowing a third of the blades to be exposed above the soil.

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      Water the planting area to a depth of 6 inches and keep the soil moist while the tufts become established.

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      Apply a starter fertilizer at the rate suggested on the label. Roll the planted area with a lawn roller filled half full with water.