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How Do I Start New Plants From Cut Branches of Plumeria?

The plumeria, temple or frangipani tree is a perennial that grows well in USDA zones 10 through 12. It is deciduous and has fragrant, colorful flowers that grow at the ends of the branches, and long, leathery green leaves with pointed tips. The blooms are often seen in Hawaiian leis. Plumeria trees can grow to a height of 35 feet and a spread of 25 feet. Making a new plant out of a cutting is not an arduous process and allows you to share this attractive tree with friends and relatives.

Things You'll Need

  • Pruning shears or sharp knife
  • Rooting compound (optional)
  • Quality potting soil
  • Planting pot
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      Cut a branch from the plumeria tree that is 1 to 2 feet in length. Mature branches have a grayish sheen and are best for cutting. Use pruning shears or a sharp knife and cut the branch at a diagonal.

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      Treat the base of the cutting with a rooting compound if you desire. Plumeria branches propagate well without it.

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      Place the cut plumeria branch in a dry area where it will not be disturbed for two weeks. This gives it time to dry out.

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      Pour quality potting soil into a pot or select a well-drained area in your landscape that has full or partial sunshine.

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      Plant the cut end of the plumeria in the soil at a depth of 2 to 4 inches, depending on the size of the branch.

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      Water the soil well once you plant it, but do not water it often while the cutting is taking root. The rooting takes approximately 45 to 75 days. Do not allow the dirt to completely dry out.