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How To Grow Blue Grama Grass From Seed

Blue grama is a native North American grass that can be used for erosion control, lawn and soil stabilization. It is tolerant to a wide range of soil conditions and even endures drought and burning. Blue grama is also used with other grasses but will not tolerate cool-season grasses. It is commonly found with buffalo grass. Growing blue grama from seed is simple given the right soil, grade and climate. Careful preparation of the soil prior to seeding will give the best results.

Things You'll Need

  • Seed
  • Tiller or rake
  • Fertilizer (optional)
  • Broadcast spreader (optional)
  • Water
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      Estimate the seed needed. For each acre, use approximately eight to 12 pounds of pure live seed (PLS). This is the amount of seeds that will actually germinate. It is given as a percentage of the bulk weight. For smaller areas, use 1/2 to 1 pound of PLS per 1000 square feet.

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      Prepare the ground. Till the surface to kill the roots of cool season grasses. These grasses will out-compete blue grama grass and cause it to fail. Smoothly rake smaller areas.

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      Add fertilizer. Use organic compost or commercial chemical fertilizer according to instructions. Special "starter" fertilizers are used with grass seed. Chemical fertilizers may have to be aged before you plant. Microbes in the soil will work the fertilizer into a milder form that is tolerated by seedlings. Refer to manufacturer's instructions.

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      Broadcast or sow the seed. Use a broadcast spreader for larger areas; sow by hand for smaller areas. The seed should not be sown more than 1/4 inch deep. You can spread a light cover of soil over the seed with the broadcast spreader or by hand. Seeds germinate when the ground temperature is about 65 degrees F or higher. Blue grama can be sown from early spring throughout late summer.

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      Water the seed. Water lightly and frequently to keep the top inch or so of soil damp. When the grass is about 1 inch tall, decrease the frequency of watering. Blue grama does not have to be watered (unless there is severe drought) after it is established.