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How to Improve Tall Fescue Lawns in the Fall

After a summer of backyard fun, many fescue lawns look patchy, sparse, and are in need of improvement. An easy way to improve a fescue lawn is by overseeding the existing lawn in the fall to fill in the patches.

Tall fescue lawns are a popular choice for lawns in the central U.S. because of their shade and cool-weather tolerance. Fescue lawns are one of the least-demanding types of lawn as they do not require a lot of fertilizer or water, and will even grow in soils that are acidic.

Things You'll Need

  • Measuring tape
  • Graph paper
  • De-thatching tool
  • Tall fescue seed
  • Seed spreader
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  1. Improving a Fescue Lawn

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      Calculate lawn area: Measure each section of the lawn with a partner and plot on graph paper. Calculate the total square footage of the lawn.

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      Purchase seed: Visit your local garden store and buy a fescue seed blend that is appropriate for your area. You will need one-third to one-half of the amount of seed that it would take to seed a new lawn.

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      De-thatching the lawn: Thatch is a layer of dead cells and roots that builds up at the base of the lawn. This must be removed when overseeding so that the fescue seed sprouts in the soil itself rather than the lawn.

      Several types of tools can be used for this. A standard flat-headed rake can be used to manually remove the thatch; however, it takes much more strength and energy than with a power tool.

      Save time and energy by renting one of several power tools that de-thatch lawns. Power rakes make the removal of thatch much easier. Core aerators create small divots throughout the lawn, and seed splitters both cut the thatch and plant the seed. Check and see whether your local lawn supply store rents de-thatching tools.

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      Spread the seed: Using a seed spreader on a low setting, start at one edge of the lawn and work back and forth, slightly overlapping the seed distribution with each pass.

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      Water the lawn: Lightly water the lawn until the soil is moist. Continue to monitor the soil over the next few weeks until the new seedlings sprout, and water as needed.