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How to Plant Centipede Sod

Centipede grass is very popular for lawns in the Southern United States. The main features that make it popular are drought tolerance, ease of maintenance and beauty. Centipede lawns can be established in three ways: They can be seeded, propagated from sprigs or started from sod. The only method that can give you a lawn almost immediately is using sod. This is a project that will require some heavy labor.

Things You'll Need

  • Herbicide
  • Rototiller
  • Rake
  • Landscape roller
  • Lime
  • 5-10-5 fertilizer
  • Centipede sod
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  1. Prepare the Soil

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      Apply herbicide to the entire area two weeks before you intend to plant the sod. You must remove all the existing grass and weeds in the area.

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      Thoroughly excavate the area with a rototiller. Excavate to a depth of 6 to 8 inches. Use the rake to smooth the area and remove any unwanted dead grass and debris. Use the landscape roller to identify any low areas and fill them with soil.

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      Apply lime and fertilizer to the soil according to directions on the bags. Work these soil additives in the top inch of the soil with the rake until they are evenly distributed and the soil is smooth.

    Laying the Sod

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      Spray the entire area to be sodded with water the evening before sod application. You should apply enough water so it penetrates the first 1/2 inch of the soil.

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      Lay each sod piece end to end in straight rows. The ends of each piece should touch tightly. Arrange the sod pieces so that the end of each piece lies near the center of the adjacent piece. Roll the entire area with a landscape roller when sod placement is complete.

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      Apply 1 inch of water per day until the roots of the sod start to penetrate the soil. After this, resume normal watering.