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How to Install Centipede Sod

Centipede grass, Eremochloa ophiuroides, is native to southern China and has been introduced to the United States. This warm-season grass is known for heavy growth and thick sod. Other notable qualities are a uniform growth rate of 3-to-5 inch stems. The grass is most commonly installed in lawns in warmer climates.

Things You'll Need

  • Centipede grass sod
  • Tiller
  • Garden fork
  • Shovel
  • Fertilizer
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  1. Prepare the Lawn

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      Perform a soil test to determine fertilizer needs. Gather samples as indicated by the sample kit or the sample laboratory instructions.

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      Apply fertilizer as indicated by the tests. If tests are not performed, mix 50 lbs. of lime and 10 lbs. of 5-10-15 fertilizer per 1,000 square feet. Add 1 inch of organic material, compost or rotted manure, to the top of the existing soil.

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      Mix the soil to a depth of at least 6 inches with a tiller or a garden fork. Rake the ground smooth and remove any rocks, debris or soil clumps.

    Lay the Sod

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      Store the sod in a shady, cool location if installation is not possible on the day of delivery. Spray water on the sod to keep it moist. Install the sod as soon as possible after delivery.

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      Place the first sod pieces along a sidewalk, driveway or other fixed landscape feature. Place the sod segments close enough together so the edges of adjoining pieces can be brought together without stretching the sod. Avoid continuous seams at the ends of the segments by staggering the size of the starting piece of each course.

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      Cut the sod to fit pieces around landscape features. Use a knife or shovel point to make the cuts.

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      Water the new sod as soon as installation of any section is complete. Provide irrigation, if necessary, on a daily basis for approximately two weeks.