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Ficus Hedge Growth

The ficus is a common landscaping plants which can be easily cultivated. They are prolific growers that are often plant to form a hedge.
  1. Considerations

    • Ficus plants grow extremely fast. They have competitive root bases which squeeze out--and may even possibly kill--any nearby plants.

    Fun Fact

    • All ficus plants are actually trees, including those used for hedges. The ficus will eventually outgrow the hedge form and shape and change to a more tree-like form.


    • Ficus plants need very little care aside from pruning. Plants will actively grow without additional fertilization and can thrive on water alone.


    • Ficus trees inner branches die off as they are shaded out by new plant growth. These dead inner branches are not a sign of plant disease and can be easily pruned away.

    Light Access

    • Ficus plants are successful in areas with access to full sun. Ficus plants grow in the direction of light access and can even shift form to reach for more light