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How to Build Toad Houses With Terra-cotta Pots

With the increased use of organic gardening methods, there is a need to protect and provide shelters for animals that eat insects. Because toads are capable of eating a large number of cutworms, snails and slugs, they are a perfect addition to your garden. Toads are hunted and consumed by snakes, skunks and predatory birds; they need shelter in order to survive. Terra-cotta pots can be used to make inexpensive and attractive shelters for toads.

Things You'll Need

  • Terra-cotta flowerpot
  • Small shovel
  • Spray bottle of water
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      Rinse the terra-cotta flowerpot with warm water to remove any soap or pesticide that may be on the surface.

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      These perennial hostas would provide shade for the toad house.

      Dig a hole in loose dirt that is near a perennial plant, such as a shrub or fern.

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      Use a shovel to dig a hole that is the same diameter as the pot and half as long as the pot is tall.

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      Use a spray bottle of water to moisten the dirt inside the hole.

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      Place the terra-cotta pot into the hole horizontally so that half of the pot is under the dirt and half is above.

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      Use a spray bottle of water to moisten the outside surface of the terra-cotta pot.

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      Pack dirt around the pot so that part of the pot is buried and the doorway is free of dirt.

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      Use a watering can to pour water over the toad house when the soil is dry.