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How to Pour a Footing for a Driveway Pillar

Driveway pillars are attractive additions to any yard, giving an upper class air to the property at relatively little cost. If the pillar is improperly installed, however, it may eventually lean to one side, resulting in an altogether unsatisfactory appearance. Using proper technique to pour your pillar's footing will ensure a sturdy foundation, keeping the pillar firmly in place for many years.


    • 1

      Examine your driveway pillars and consult any accompanying instructions. Determine how many inches of the pillar are intended to be submerged below the level of the ground and measure the pillar's width.

    • 2

      Dig a hole for the pillar's footing according to the dimensions supplied with the packaging, if any. If no such prescribed dimensions are available, dig the hole 10 inches deeper than the height of the pillar's underground portion and make it 8 inches wider than the pillar's width.

    • 3

      Pour 5 inches of sand or small-grain gravel into the hole and smooth it until it's level. Mix the concrete according to the directions on the packaging, using the minimum recommended amount of water. Pour 5 inches of concrete into the hole and wait 24 hours for it to solidify.

    • 4

      Set the driveway pillar on the concrete footing. Mix more concrete and fill in the hole around the base of the pillar until it comes within 4 inches of the surface.

    • 5

      Cover the base of the pillar with a tarp during the day and sprinkle water on the concrete daily. Keep the concrete damp for seven days to slow the hardening process and make the final result as strong as possible. When the time has elapsed, fill in the remainder of the hole with dirt and plant grass around the pillar.