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How to Cover a Tree Stump Cheaply & Beautifully

The remaining stump from a diseased tree can result in an unsightly feature in your yard. Though you can opt to dig out the stump entirely, using the stump as a lawn decoration is generally a lot cheaper and much less time-consuming. It also saves you from having to haul the stump out of your yard, which can be laborious and expensive.

Things You'll Need

  • Ground cover
  • Ornamental grasses
  • Axe
  • Drill
  • Soil
  • Flower pots
  • Heavy-duty sandpaper
  • Stone birthbath basin
  • Stone statues
  • Sculpture pieces
  • Waterproof vinyl tablecloth
  • Chainsaw
  • Paints
  • Paintbrush
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      Plant ground cover that will grow up and around the stump. Look for foliage that features spring flowers. You can also disguise the stump by planting tall ornamental grasses around it.

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      Use the stump as a planter or platform for flower pots. Create a planter by using an axe to hollow out the stump. Drill a hole in the base of the stump for drainage before filling it with appropriate soil. If you are using it as a place to house flower pots, sand the top of the stump with heavy-duty sandpaper to create a smooth, even surface. Use either one or two large flower pots or a number of small flower pots to fill the stump's surface area.

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      Place the basin part of a stone birdbath on top of the stump. Use sandpaper to create a flat surface if necessary before placing the stone bath on the stump. You can also cover the stump with stone statues, such as a seated Buddha, or other sculpture pieces made from driftwood and other natural elements.

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      Cover the stump with a waterproof vinyl tablecloth to use as a small garden table. Sand the stump as needed to create a smooth surface.

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      Cut the stump down with a chainsaw to transform it into a decorative stepping stone. Paint the stump in desired colors, patterns or designs to create a colorful garden accent.