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Cedar Rounds for Edging

Cedar rounds are used for a variety of landscaping functions, including partitioning off landscape sections, such as lawns and garden beds, from each other. Made from sections of cedar tree trunks, they appear as cylinders and are available in various lengths. Cedar rounds can be purchased as individual rounds or attached to each other, forming a section. They are well-suited for landscaping around bends and straight lines. The heights of the individual rounds usually vary from 5 to 7 inches, and the rounds range from 2 to 6 inches in diameter. In some cases, cedar rounds are more than 6 feet tall.
  1. Cedar Benefits

    • A soft wood, cedar is simple to work with, lending itself well to shaping, cutting and joining. As a long-lasting material, it is rot- and insect-resistant. As a natural product, however, cedar eventually decomposes, making it an environmentally conscious choice. Different grades of cedar are available if you decide to make your own cedar rounds, although you can purchase rounds of varying quality from a home garden center. One cost-effective method is to collect fallen pieces of cedar over time to use for edging. As an edging material, cedar rounds are distinctive for their coloring and shape.

    Grade and Design

    • The highest quality of cedar for cedar rounds is called “architect clear,” with the next highest “architect knotty” and then “custom knotty.” The different varieties' names refer to how many visible knots are in the cedar, and thus, indicate the rounds' durability.

      When choosing cedar rounds for your landscape design, consider how they will be used and in which contexts. If you are interested in creating a curved or winding design with your cedar round edging, use a piece of twine to plot the layout of the rounds. Depending on the overall desired aesthetic for your project, you may decide that a low-quality cedar, with more visible knots and, thus, interest, will suit your needs better than a more expensive, higher quality cedar.

    Usage Techniques

    • Cedar rounds work well alongside gravel or pebble pathways, where they can keep the small stones from spilling into other areas of the landscape. Similarly, cedar rounds can be used as an edging along garden beds to keep plants well separated from lawn. In some cases, cedar round edging can keep ground-cover or trailing plants from growing onto lawn. Space the rounds close together to reduce the width of gaps, which may allow grass or weeds to grow through the edging.

    Decoration Ideas

    • Before they are installed, cedar rounds can be painted or polished to add a dimension to the visual design of your landscape. Polished cedar rounds add an elegant sheen to edging, lessening the impact of a country-style landscape design. Similarly, cedar rounds can be painted to add a splash of color to your landscape. Although cedar is naturally long-lasting, polishing or painting cedar rounds can make them last even longer. Use an outdoor-grade, weatherproof, high-quality paint or epoxy to protect your cedar rounds, and reapply the product as necessary, which is often once each year.