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Ground Preparation for Seashore Paspalum

Seashore paspalum (Paspalum vaginatum) is a finely bladed tropical turfgrass with a coarser texture than bermudagrass. It tolerates low mowing — as does bermudagrass — but it requires less nitrogen fertilizer and remains a darker shade of green. Its exceptional tolerance to salt allows it to thrive along coastal areas and it is popular in Texas, Florida and Hawaii. Seashore paspalum tolerates a wide range of soil textures and drainage capacities. In residential applications, it is typically established with sod or stolons.

Things You'll Need

  • Herbicide
  • Rototiller
  • Soil amendments
  • Starter fertilizer
  • Irrigation system
  • Rake
  • 8-foot long 2 x 4 piece of wood
  • Level
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      Establish the seashore paspalum lawn when temperatures remain above 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

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      Remove roots, rocks, stumps and other vegetation from the planting site. Use a non-selective herbicide, such as one containing glyphosate, to remove stubborn weeds and turfgrass. Follow the instructions and wait the specified amount of time to plant the seashore paspalum after treatment.

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      Take soil samples from random areas of the planting site. Deliver or mail them to your county cooperative extension office for analysis. The results will let you know what soil amendments, if any, are needed to get the seashore paspalum off to a healthy start.

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      Rototil the soil to a depth of 12 inches. Add the soil amendments and lawn starter fertilizer at the recommended rates. Install the irrigation system if you will be using one. Use a rake to establish a rough grade by sloping the soil away from the home.

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      Perform the final grade of the site. For residential lawns, the grade is typically one of 2 degrees — or 1 foot every 50 feet — away from the residence or other structure. One of the easiest methods to accomplish this is by laying an 8-foot long, 2 x 4 piece of wood on the soil near the structure. Have an assistant place a level in the middle of the 2 x 4. Raise the end furthest from the structure while the assistant keeps an eye on the level. When the tool reads level, measure the distance from your end of the 2 x 4 to the soil directly beneath it. If it doesn't measure 2 inches, add or remove soil to the site, roughly grade it and perform the measurements again.

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      Water the seashore paspalum site thoroughly, to a depth of 10 inches before planting.