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Red Twig Dogwood Facts

Red twig dogwood (Cornus sanguinea) is a hardy shrub producing mid-to-dark green leaves and small white clusters of flowers during the summer. The plant's beauty becomes apparent when it loses its leaves in the fall as the dogwood's branches and stems range from scarlet red to pale orange. Red twig dogwood adds brilliant winter color to stark landscapes and also provides strong focal points against a background of typical bare trees or evergreens.
  1. Growth Habit

    • Red twig dogwood shrubs can grow six to eight feet tall, with a similar width. The lush foliage provides excellent shelter and nesting areas for birds and can also serve as a visual barrier in your yard. Plant a row of red twig dogwood along a fence or property line or plant a single red twig dogwood alone in the center of your lawn. The summer foliage can provide privacy, and the brilliant stems and branches provide a colorful display in your yard during winter months. When you plan landscaping with red twig dogwood, consider the plant's mature size and its dense foliage along with its brightly colored stems and branches visible in the winter and early spring.


    • You'll enjoy red twig dogwood if you're looking for low-maintenance landscaping. Plant your red twig dogwood in well-drained soil with full sun or partial shade. Cut back the previous year's branches to within a few inches of the ground in late winter or early each spring, which encourages a healthy new crop of colorful branches for the coming year. Pruning during the growing season is required if you want to control the plant's size. Red twig dogwood plants are typically resistant to insect infestations, but certain varieties are susceptible to canker in hot and humid conditions. USDA hardiness zones above zone 7B are not recommended for red twig dogwoods to thrive.

    Special Uses

    • Red twig dogwood plants grow dense roots that form a thick network. These plants are excellent for securing soil on embankments or slopes. They are useful for preventing water runoff and soil erosion. Red twig dogwood can be planted as a hedge but requires continued pruning for maintaining a hedge's shape and height. During the fall and winter holidays, cut branches from your dogwood for adding bright accents to holiday decor, floral centerpieces and potted evergreen shrubs.


    • Red twig dogwood is available in a variety of stem and branch colorations from deep wine red to yellow. Leaves may be solid green, ranging from a medium to deep tone, and some varieties offer bi-colored or variegated foliage. Planting two or more varieties of red twig dogwood supplies visual interest and can add depth to your landscaping. A simple or monochromatic landscape scheme can benefit from one red twig dogwood planted as a focal point among a group of plants of contrasting color and texture.