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How to Grow Zoya Grass

Zoya grass, also known as zoysiagrasses, is prized for its dense, slow-growing properties. This sod is hardy and adaptable, capable of withstanding cold temperatures and cold weather. Growing zoya grass is labor-intensive and requires a long process of planting plugs of sod to establish the lawn and frequent fertilizing. Although establishing a zoya lawn is a high-maintenance proposition, with time and patience, you can have a plush, thick lawn.

Things You'll Need

  • Zoysiagrass sod
  • Utility knife or scissors
  • Nitrogen fertilizer
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      Clear the seedbed soil by removing all rocks, weeds or construction debris. Break up any hard clumps of dirt to make the soil smooth. Proper seedbed preparation is critical to the successful establishment of zoya grass.

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      Dig holes to plant plugs of grass. Each hole should be 2 square inches and about 2 inches deep. Position the holes six inches apart in rows. Each row also should be six inches apart.

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      Cut out 2-square-inch plugs from the sod. Place each plug in a hole. Step on each plug to ensure the grass has firm contact with the soil. Moisten the soil with water.

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      Water the seedbed daily for the first two weeks. After the initial establishment period, water the growing grass two to three times a week. Zoya grass requires about 1 inch of water per week during the summer months and periodic irrigation during wintertime.

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      Fertilize the plugs with 1 pound of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet of seedbed. Apply fertilizer monthly to encourage healthy growth.