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Fertilizer for Yard

Keeping your lawn healthy requires adequate sunlight, water and fertilizer, especially on new stands of grass. With many fertilizer options on the market, choosing among them can be confusing. Having some basic knowledge about the types of fertilizer available for your lawn can help you decide which products you'd prefer to use and which to leave alone. The right fertilizer will help your yard grow faster, greener and healthier, giving you the best-looking landscape possible.
  1. Fast Release vs. Time Release

    • Many lawn fertilizers come in granular form. These are divided into two main types. First there are fast-release fertilizers that typically add a combination of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous to the lawn immediately upon application. This can be a smart buy for colder climates, and it is generally a less-expensive product than slow-release granules. But without proper watering, or in hotter climates, you run the risk of "burning" your grass from overdose. Slow-release fertilizers work over an extended period, releasing these elements over a span of two to six months. They have a higher success rate on lawns, and pose less threat of harming the lawn.


    • Liquid fertilizers are a popular lawn product. They tend to cost more than granular fertilizers, partially because of their instant results and ease of use. Many of these products come with a hose attachment. You simply screw the fertilizer dispenser onto the end of the hose and it acts as a nozzle that mixes with water and sprays on your grass. Liquids go straight to work, giving the roots of your grass the benefit of the nutrients immediately. Unfortunately, the benefits of these easy-to-use products do not last as long as those of granulated fertilizer, and they must be reapplied regularly to obtain the best results.

    Synthetic Fertilizers

    • Chemicals in many fertilizers are synthetic, meaning they are manmade chemicals used to promote the growth of your grass. They are generally very efficient, fast-working fertilizers that penetrate the soil in your lawn very quickly. Many of these products give yards a boost immediately, but do not have lasting effects. Also, some people do not like the idea of feeding their grass unnatural chemicals.


    • Organic fertilizers are popular with people who wish to apply only natural substances to their property. Organic fertilizers are made up of beneficial ingredients that come from plant or animal by-products. Among these organic compounds is compost, which can be created at home using yard waste such as leaves, as well as manure, food waste, coffee grounds and more. This process yields an effective, although lower potency, fertilizer that has well-balanced nutrients.