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How to Make Grass Flat

It seems that everyone is looking for a way to make his lawn stand out. With a lawn roller, you can certainly find an interesting way to make your lawn the talk of the neighborhood. A roller will allow you to flatten the grass in patterns, so you can achieve a look similar to that of baseball stadiums and golf courses. You can flatten your grass in only a short time, depending on the size of your lawn.

Things You'll Need

  • Lawn mower
  • Lawn roller
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      Mow the grass to height of approximately 3 inches. For a simple striped pattern, mow from one end of the lawn to the opposite end, then pivot the mower and mow an adjacent cut back the other way. Continue mowing from one end to the other until you are finished.

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      Mow a single pass around the perimeter of the lawn.

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      Walk your lawn roller over the grass in the direction of the mower passes. For example, if your first pass with the mower was north to south, make a north-to-south pass with the roller. The roller will flatten the grass and make the stripe stand out. Follow mowing lines with the roller until the lawn is complete.

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      Roll over the perimeter of the lawn in the same direction as the cut. This will finish the lawn with a perfectly manicured border.