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Drought-Tolerant Grass Seed Blends

Drought-tolerant garden characteristics become especially valuable as the gardener's time and resources are stretched. Some municipalities in water-rare regions forbid water-greedy lawns, and waste-conscious consumers prefer an Earth-friendly, low impact landscaping approach. Degenerated range lands require restoration. New, readily available grass cultivars address these demands. Thrifty, water-wise lawn and grass choices are increasingly available as specialty seed blends through local and online sources.
  1. Considerations

    • Drought-tolerant grass seed blends are formulated for specific growing situations. Test your soil and amend or improve it for long term success. Consider the size of the area and its exposure to sun or shade, and the projected amount of traffic. Elevation and local rainfall averages influence choices. Realistically determine the time available for maintenance. Consult your local county extension for climate and growing conditions in your area.

    Native Grass Blends

    • Range lands are restored by reseeding with appropriate native grass blends.

      Native grasses cover a significant percentage of Earth's land surface, controlling erosion, providing food and habitat for wildlife and thriving in variable local conditions. High Country Garden's Western Trails native grass blend of 12 varieties is formulated for dry areas west of the Mississippi at elevations of 3,000 to 7,500 feet. Its High Mountain blend of 11 grasses is for western gardens above 7,500 feet.

      Wildlife Grass Seed Blend by Warner Brothers is specially formulated for improving wildlife habitat. Its drought-tolerant Pasture Blend controls erosion for range land re-vegetation projects. The company provides a Custom Native Grass Blend to suit local conditions

    Fescue and Bluegrass

    • The University of Colorado recommends a mix of three or more fescue cultivars for seeding. Drought-tolerant Enviro-Turf combines five varieties including fescue and ryegrass for gardens in the U.S. and Canada. It is unsuitable for wet, poorly-drained soils. Rebel seed blends are widely available, combining several Rebel fescue grass varieties for improved drought tolerance through deep rooting. The University of Colorado recommends a blend of five or more bluegrass cultivars. Improved soil increases the drought tolerance of bluegrasses. Combat Extreme Southern Zone combines fescue and bluegrass for a tough, drought-tolerant lawn.

    Endophytic-Enhanced Seed

    • In an endophytic situation one organisim lives within another. The symbiotic relationship of fungal endophytes and turfgrass was investigated when cattle developed neurological symptoms after grazing on infected grasses. More than 15 million acres of grasslands throughout the U.S. are naturally infected with the fungi. Turfgrasses infected with the endophytic fungi show improved vigor. Infected plants have more roots and shoots, enabling increased drought tolerance, disease resistance and lower overall maintenance. The fungal endophyte passes through seed to subsequent generations of grass. Endophyte-infected grass seed is widely available. Purchase only fresh seed for maximum infection.