Home Garden

Rainwater Catchment Systems in Modesto, California

Rainwater catchment systems are appreciated in Modesto, California, due to the city's general low level of rainfall. The concept of rainwater catchment actually existed prior to any water company-controlled resources and water-treatment facilities that exist today. Inexpensive to install and simple to understand, some Modesto residents turn to their catchment system for the months out of the year where gardening opportunities are abundant, and yet the water conservation restrictions come along with them.
  1. Designated Space

    • To catch rainwater, the first thing you will need to do is identify a rainwater collection area. In Modesto, this area is often the roof of a house. Most roofing materials, especially those found in the newer tract-housing areas prolific in Modesto, are safe for outdoor gardening. However, this is usually only true for water that will not be used on potted plants. If you have a small vegetable garden or are growing herbs or fruits in a small container or pot of any size, try to collect your water from another location. This is because toxins within roof shingles can be fine for flowers, but are dangerous for human consumption.

    Catchment Barrels

    • Next, find a rainwater storage barrel. Containers are available at your local home store that are designed specifically for the catchment of rain water. These special barrels will be able to withstand the extreme heat of a Modesto summer, while also properly sustaining itself during cold weather. Be sure to cover it when not in use to protect children and animals from a drowning accident.

    Barrel Placement

    • Place the barrel under a gutter or piping that can easily transport rain water into the barrel. Again, when growing edible items, place your barrel in a position where it can catch rain directly or receive the runoff from a toxin-free source.


    • If you purchase a storage barrel designed for rainwater catchment, chances are it will come with a way to attach a garden hose to it when it's time to water your garden and lawn. This simple method is all it takes to understand and use rainwater catchment in Modesto. For a more decorative look, check out your local home store selection for faux terra cotta pots, natural stone boulders, and other designs that are functional yet still pleasing to the eye.