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DIY Lawnmower Starter Troubleshooting

Lawnmowers have a starting clutch and starter pulley that begin the ignition process in the typical lawn mower engine. The clutch needs to be set to the correct position. The starter pulley spins a flywheel which creates the spark to ignite the fuel mixture in the carburetor. If the starter is stuck, or the clutch isn't functioning properly, you might find yourself pulling the starter cord to no avail. Proper troubleshooting will help you isolate the problem.

Things You'll Need

  • Wrench
  • Screwdriver
  • Replacement cord (if necessary)
  • Replacement flywheel (if necessary)
  • Automotive grease (if necessary)
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      Inspect the clutch cord running from the mower speed handle to the mower engine. Tighten down the nuts to ensure it is pulling properly.

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      Inspect the starter cord for any frayed edges that might prevent the cord from running smoothly. Replace the cord if necessary.

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      Remove the cover and flywheel holding the starter cord and replace the flywheel if the string pulls out but nothing happens. This is a problem with the clutch mechanism in the flywheel.

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      Remove the cover of the flywheel and grease the recoil spring if the starter pulley pulls out but sticks.