Home Garden

Uses for a Grub Hoe

Grub hoes are light to moderate weight hoes used for chopping through sod and roots. Clearing a garden spot, digging trenches, killing weeds and roots, removing root pieces above ground and moving rocks are common uses for grub hoes. Blades are available in several widths and shapes.
  1. Perennial Weeds

    • thistle

      Deeply rooted perennial weeds such as rugosa roses, raspberry and blackberry canes, thistle, burdock and curly dock can be controlled with a grub hoe. Swinging from waist level to gain momentum, chop stems at ground level. These weeds send new shoots until you have severed the plant long enough to use all energy stored in the root. The root dies.

      Using a chopping motion, shallow-rooted perennials are loosened with the grub hoe. One strike will loosen the plant. A second strike removes the plant complete with roots.

    Moving Plants

    • When perennial garden designs change move plants by digging them up with a grubbing hoe. Removing tap roots, rhizomes and other spreading roots with the grubbing hoe ensures plants will not return.

      Divide overgrown plants by breaking large roots into smaller pieces. Especially tough roots can be loosened by pulling the hoe back and forth. Hook onto the root and tug to remove difficult pieces.

      Tree roots are often too big to remove after a tree has been felled. Use a grub hoe to break roots above soil into smaller pieces, leaving parts below soil level to decay. Stumps can be broken down using a grub hoe.

      The National Forest System uses grub hoes to remove undesirable saplings in forest management.

    Breaking Ground

    • Breaking sod is the most difficult part of clearing a new garden space. Grub hoes break through sod, chopping it into small pieces that are tilled into the soil as additional space is cleared. Chopping is a more efficient method than digging into and moving sod with a spade.

      Garden edges can be cleared of grasses and rhizomes creeping into established gardens. When edging, use a chopping motion followed immediately by a pulling motion to break through grass and weeds and move them out of the way.


    • The grub hoe is also called a trenching hoe. Wide or deep trenches are dug with a 6 inch to 8.5-inch wide blade. A 2- or 4-inch blade is used for shallow, narrow trenches used for sprinkler systems, cement slabs and the first layer of bricks being laid. The sharp, thin and strong blade breaks through clay.

      Firefighters use grub hoes to dig fire lines during forest fires.

    Breaking Ice

    • A grub hoe's usefulness isn't limited to soil. A 2-inch blade will break ice dams on roofs. Beginning at the outer edge of the dam, use a steady tapping motion to break ice. Slide ice off the roof so that it doesn't remain on the dam.

      Clear built up ice on steps and walkways with 6- to 8.5-inch blades to get the job done fast. Clear chipped ice away with a shovel.