Home Garden

How to Replace a Roof Rake

If you live in an area with heavy snowfall through the winter and have concerns about the snow piling up on your roof, you might choose to remove it yourself with a roof rake or an improvised device. Over many years of use, a roof rake gets worn down and damaged, while an improvised roof rake is not necessarily easy to use. Before the next significant snowfall, replace your roof rake with a new one of a suitable size.

Things You'll Need

  • Ladder
  • Tape measure
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      Place a ladder against the side of your home so that you can reach the eave of your roof.

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      Climb the ladder with a tape measure and measure the height of the eave by holding the tip of the tape measure against the eave and lowering the body of the tape measure to an assistant. Note this measurement in feet.

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      Visit several home improvement stores in your city to compare the length of their roof rakes. Keeping the height of your eave in mind, look for rakes that are a suitable length. Many roof rakes telescope to make them easy to store yet effective at reaching the roof.

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      Note the differences in the size and rigidity of the rake part of the roof rakes. The wider the rake, the more snow you can clear in one sweep. If the snow is heavy, it might be difficult for you to move a rake's worth of snow. Recall the size of your previous roof rake and determine the width that is ideal for you.

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      Consider roof rakes that are specific to your style of roof, especially if you have asphalt shingles. Many styles of roof rakes are designed for use on asphalt shingles and include small roller wheels or rubber feet that will not damage the shingles.

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      Compare the construction and prices of the different roof rakes available. Less-expensive devices contain a significant amount of plastic, which can break over time. If your budget allows it, select one with aluminum pieces for strength and longevity.