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How to Clean Copper Fountains

Copper water fountains add an aesthetic appeal to any indoor or outdoor decor. They can be pleasing to the eye, produce serene water sounds and create an overall relaxing environment. Maintaining the beauty and function of your copper fountain is rather easy but requires proper supplies and procedures. With appropriate care of your copper fountain, you can ensure it will survive to provide lasting enjoyment for generations.

Things You'll Need

  • Cotton cloth
  • Turtle wax
  • Furniture polish
  • Calcium lime remover
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  1. Cleaning the Pump

    • 1

      Remove the pump from your fountain.

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      Wipe off the outer casing using a soft cotton cloth.

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      Remove the outer case to expose the inside of the pump.

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      Clean the inner portion of the pump by removing dirt and debris with a cotton cloth.

    Cleaning the Copper

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      Avoid copper cleaners to protect the clear or powder-coated finish on copper fountains to keep the desired "verdigris," or natural green patina, that occurs on your fountain.

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      Use a household furniture polish on a soft cotton cloth to gently buff your clear-coated copper fountain. This can be done on a regular basis to keep your fountain looking good.

    • 7

      Apply turtle wax every two to three months if your copper fountain has been clear-coated. This will extend the use of the coating. Use caution not to get wax in the fountain water, which may damage the pump.

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      Use calcium lime remover (CLR) to remove oxidation from your copper fountain. Adhere to the manufacturer's instructions for application. This product is usually applied with a rag. Caution should be taken to keep CLR away from chlorine or acid-based products. Toxic gas can be emitted when the two substances are mixed.