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How to Organize a Garden Shed

As the years go by, we usually accumulate more things than the house can accomodate. A garden shed can house the overflow. Once you learn how to organize your garden shed strategically, you'll be amazed by its storage capacity.

Things You'll Need

  • Sturdy shelves
  • Metal hooks or nails
  • Plastic storage totes
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  1. Garden Shed

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      Donate or discard old items in your garden shed, which have not been used for more than one year. Removing excess clutter will enable you to utilize extra space.

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      Use sturdy shelves to store garden supplies, such as solar lights, planters and small gardening tools. You can build your own shelves or purchase plastic shelves from a local hardware store.

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      Add metal hooks or nails to the back wall of your shed to hang tools and appliances. For instance, you may wish to hang your rakes and shovels. This will provide more walking space inside of your garden shed. It's also much safer.

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      Use plastic storage totes to store items such as soil and grass seed. Choose totes of the same size and stack them for easier maintenance. Label each tote accordingly so you will be able to identify its contents without peeking inside.

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      Keep practical things within easy access, such as the snowblower, the lawnmower, garden tools and bicycles.