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When Should I Plant Forget-Me-Not Flower Seeds?

An early spring ground cover that will compliment your spring blooming bulbs, the tiny blue-flowered forget-me-not plant has long been a favorite of gardeners. There are over 50 varieties of forget-me-not plants, so it is important you select the variety that fits your needs. Some are annuals, lasting only one growing season, while others are perennials and will bloom in your garden for two to three years. There are many varieties of blossoms and plant size.
  1. Early Spring Flowers

    • Forget-me-not plants, with their shallow root system, are frost-sensitive. This means that you should sow your forget-me-not seeds in your garden as soon as the threat of hard frost is gone and you can work the soil.

      Seeds should be planted close to the soil surface, with only one-eighth of an inch soil coverage. Keep the soil moist while your forget-me-not seeds are germinating and beyond. Within one to two weeks you should see the tiny seedlings sprout.

      Forget-me-not plants prefer to grow in partial shade, so select a location in your landscape that has loamy, well-draining soil that stays moist, and will give your forget-me-nots indirect sunlight.

      In colder regions, where late frosts are common, you can start your forget-me-not seeds indoors three to four weeks before the expected last frost, then transplant them into your garden.

      Once you have established forget-me-not plants in your garden, you probably will not need to sow seeds again for them. This is because forget-me-not plants, both the annual and perennial varieties, are prolific re-seeders. If you allow the flowers of your forget-me-nots to go to seed, they will re-seed themselves for the following spring. This is also why the forget-me-not has a reputation for being very invasive, sprouting up all over your landscape. They are easy to dig up and remove from unwanted spots, or you can remove the spent blossoms on your plants before they go to seed.