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How to Sprout Acorns

Oak trees produce acorns, which serve as the seeds of future oak trees. It takes 20 to 50 years for an oak tree to produce its first set of acorns. After that, acorns are produced on a yearly basis. The chances of an acorn becoming an oak tree are one in 10,000. This means for every 10,000 acorns that fall to the ground every fall, only one will grow into a massive oak. In order to enhance those odds, you can spout the acorn before planting.

Things You'll Need

  • Acorns
  • Jar
  • Paper towel
  • Damp paper towel
  • Sealable plastic bag
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      Collect acorns during the appropriate time of year. Acorns fall to the ground between September and November. Look for acorns that have just fallen to the ground and are still a healthy brown color. Avoid acorns that have any black, rotted areas. Additionally, the crown or top of the acorn should be easily removed by pulling. The crown is not needed for sprouting. Collect about 15 healthy samples.

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      Perform the water test. Pour water into a jar. Then place the acorns in the jar. Healthy acorns will sink to the bottom, while unhealthy ones will float to the top. Discard any unhealthy acorns. Remove the healthy acorns and dry in a paper towel.

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      Refrigerate the acorns in a sealed plastic bag with a damp paper towel. The acorns must undergo a process called stratification. Stratification is the process by which acorns are exposed to cold air, thus priming the seed for spring growth. This process happens naturally outside in cold weather climates. However, you can replicate the process and remove the elements by placing the acorns in a sealed plastic bag with a damp paper towel and putting them in the fridge for two to three months. Replace the paper towel from time to time as it dries out. Once the acorns have sprouted, they are ready to plant.