Home Garden

How to Make a Simple Fountain

With only a few tools and some water you can have your own decorative fountain. A simple fountain only takes about a half-hour to construct and decorate. A simple fountain adds interest and movement to a boring corner of your home or garden. Choose large containers for a dramatic display or small containers for an appealing addition to your décor.

Things You'll Need

  • Container
  • Small submersible pump with fountain head
  • Small flat rock
  • Aquatic plants, rocks or statues
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    • 1

      Clean out a container that a small submersible pump will fit into. Inspect the container to make sure it is free of holes and cracks that would prevent it from holding water.

    • 2

      Place the submersible pump into the bottom of the container with the pump's cord running up and over the side of the container. Set the container in a location where the pump's cord will reach an electrical outlet.

    • 3

      Cover the pump with water by filling the container ¾ full with water. Set a small flat rock in the bottom of the container to raise the pump up if needed.

    • 4

      Turn the submersible pump on by plugging it into an electrical outlet. Adjust the pump's fountain head to acquire the effect you want.

    • 5

      Set small aquatic plants, rocks or statues in your fountain to make it more interesting.