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How to Decorate a Table for a Picnic

Eating outdoors is a often a treat, and sometimes a necessity. Instead of making due with the bare minimum, create a picnic to remember by decorating the table. Choose a theme and use matching dishes and linens, or simply dress it up with an inexpensive tablecloth and some wildflowers placed in a jar. Whatever you choose will go a long way to making your outdoor meal pleasing to the eye and the palate.


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      Choose a theme. This can be something as simple as sticking with one or two colors (an white tablecloth and white roses for a romantic picnic) or elaborate (a patriotic July 4 picnic). The theme should match the occasion or reason for the picnic.

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      Cover the table with a tablecloth. Not only is this practical, as outdoor tables are often dirty, but it adds an elegant touch to any picnic. Secure the cloth with tablecloth holders, especially if you are using a public (city-owned) picnic table, as many parks and campgrounds have rules forbidding the use of staples or tape on outdoor tables.

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      Add a centerpiece to the table. Because it can get windy outdoors, do not use candles with flames or anything very tall or light that might be blown over. For a rustic look, try filling a wide, heavy bowl with pine cones and bright red apples, or fill a watering can with some inexpensive seasonal flowers.

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      Set the table. While disposable utensils, plates and linens are handy, they are also lightweight and often flimsy. Also, take into consideration whether there are trash bins near where you are going to be eating. Real flatware and linen is heavier and adds style to your picnic, but you will have to pack it out when you leave.

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      Light it up. If your table is under a tree, try hanging some flameless candles from the branches to make an instant chandelier, or hang a string of battery-powered lights. This extra-special touch will give your picnic instant ambience.