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How to Build Gold Finch Bird Houses

Goldfinches are common garden birds that are often sought after for their bright striking yellow and black coloration. To encourage these lovely birds to your garden, you can easily assemble a small scale birdhouse to encourage nesting. For increased attraction, you can also set up a small songbird feeder near the house. Goldfinches, like most birds, often prefer plain, weathered, unpainted buildings, so we will help you through the process of making a natural wooden birdhouse.

Things You'll Need

  • Handsaw
  • Power drill
  • 4 short wood screws
  • Screwdriver
  • Tape measure
  • Wood glue
  • Sandpaper
  • Pencil
  • 1 sheet plywood
  • 1 1/4" dowel rod
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  1. Building a Goldfinch Bird House

    • 1

      Draw out the figures needed for your house onto the plywood using your pencil. You will need two roof cuts to form the triangular roof, a floor, two main walls, and then a back wall and front. Be sure to draw out the pieces to accommodate the style of roof. Use your measuring tape to ensure you are getting equal measurements.

    • 2

      Cut the pieces to size using your handsaw. Also cut the wooden dowel rod that will be used as a perch in Step 5. To cut the dowel rod, measure out 3 inches using your measuring tape and marking your spot with a pencil. Cut on the mark with your saw, and set the 3-inch segment aside to use as your perch.

    • 3

      Drill a 1 1/2-inch diameter hole for the entrance in the front of the house. Additionally, drill a 1/4-inch hole for the wooden perch to be placed in after assembly. Goldfinches, like most songbirds, prefer to build nests inside their homes, so be sure to place the entry hole high enough off the base of the floor so that the nest inside will not be directly exposed.

    • 4

      Assemble your goldfinch house. Use wood glue to hold the pieces together, with the exception of the birdhouse floor. After the glue has set, use your four wood screws to firmly secure the floor of the goldfinch house to each of its walls.

    • 5

      Sand the rough edges of the house with sandpaper to achieve a nice smooth finish. Add a small drop of wood glue to the end of the dowel. Insert the dowel into your pre-drilled hole in the front of the house.