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Instructions for Garden Arbors

Often confused with gazebos and pergolas, garden arbors are freestanding structures generally consisting of two trellised sides and a lattice roof. Not necessarily designed to provide shelter or shade, they instead provide support for climbing plants such as ivy, climbing rose and honeysuckle. Though their concept is simple, their design can vary greatly from one to another. Through the placement, design and materials you choose, your garden arbor can be as unique as your garden itself, adding interest, dimension and even some function if you choose.
  1. Placement and Purpose

    • When choosing or designing an arbor, its intended placement and purpose are important. Some arbors serve as garden entrances, while others provide focal points within the garden. You can use them to divide large outdoor spaces or serve as decoration over a garden path. Their placement may dictate elements of their design. Arbors used as entrances may need to be more ornate or substantial than arbors placed within the garden. If you intend to place one in a garden alcove, you may decide to choose one that provides shade or seating.

      One important function of a garden arbor is to add dimension and height to your garden. Most already do so with their trellises, which offer support for climbing plants and vines, but some sturdy, flat roof arbor designs allow you suspend a small rooftop container garden as well.


    • Design or choose a garden arbor to complement most any landscape motif. Arbors can offer classical appeal to your rose garden or provide just the right touch to your zen garden. Designs can be simple or ornate ranging from delicate to substantial. Arbor design elements include the arch or roof and the trellises. The roof can be arched, flat, gabled or beveled, while the trellises offer variations such as latticed ladder and unique custom designs.


    • The materials used offer much to an arbor's function and design. Popular materials include various wood species, metal and PVC vinyl. Vinyl arbors are inexpensive, lightweight options you may use temporarily for weddings or outdoor banquets. Of course, you can also find temporary-use arbors made from lightweight wood or coated steel tubing. Treated woods, such as cedar, redwood and oak, are popular permanent arbor materials. For a rustic look, you may even design your arbor using fallen branches. If you're more interested in metal, non-rusting varieties, include wrought iron, copper, galvanized steel and even aluminum for an inexpensive, lightweight option.