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Tropical Flowers & Hummingbirds

Hummingbirds have good eyes but poor sense of smell, according to a University of Cincinnati - Clermont College biology course overview of "Coevolution and Pollination." They feed on the nectar of flowers with bright colors, especially red. Some tropical plants have features that attract hummingbirds.
  1. Types

    • According to the National Zoological Park, more than 300 species of hummingbirds exist in the wild, with most of them living in the tropics. In their natural habitat, these hummingbirds feed on nectar from tropical flowers.


    • Tropical plants that attract hummingbirds usually have red flowers with little scent. According to "The Virtual Rainforest," a website hosted by Michigan State University, the tropical flower known as heliconia also has red bracts or specialized leaves that cover the flowers. Only hummingbirds with curved beaks may feed on its nectar.

    Winter Care

    • Tropical plants cannot withstand cold conditions and must maintained indoors during winter. According to WSU Clark County Extension, some hummingbirds overwinter in North America and you may grow winter plants to attract them. Among the most familiar plants that may be grown for this purpose are winterberry holly (Aquifoliaceae ilex verticillata), manzanita (Arctostaphylos) and Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera x purpusii).