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Bird Feeders Made With Plastic Bottles

Plastic bottles make cheap and functional bird feeders. And by constructing bird feeders out of them, you will be helping the environment by reducing the number of plastic bottles in the trash.
  1. Features

    • Plastic bottle bird feeders contain seeds or nectar solution to store food, allowing birds to access it through holes in the bottles or from containers placed below the bottles.


    • A hummingbird feeder commonly consists of an inverted plastic bottle that holds nectar solution and dispenses it through one or more tubular funnels. A seed feeder has holes in it that are small enough to allow birds to eat, but not so large that the seeds spill out.


    • While cheap and environmentally friendly, plastic bottles tend to get warm quickly in the sun. Place plastic bottle feeders in the shade to minimize heat and don't use plastic bottles to make bird housing.