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How to Make a Privacy Screen With Plastic Garden Edging

Enjoy your lawn and garden with romantic nights by the pool, sunbathing in the garden and outdoor workouts in privacy. A simple privacy screen protects you from casual onlookers and passersby while increasing the ambiance of your outdoor living spaces, making the most of your yard. Purchase premade privacy screens of wood, brick, plastic and bamboo. However, a woven screen made with recycled gardening edging is an easy way to get a custom-sized screen and while doing something green.

Things You'll Need

  • Measuring tape
  • 4-inch wide garden edging
  • Scissors
  • Two 2-inch wide, 36-inch long square dowels
  • Staple gun
  • Heavy-duty speed point staples
  • Stapler
  • Glue
  • Brush
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    • 1

      Measure the exposed lawn area's width, so that you can determine the screen's length. Curve the measuring tape as necessary, accommodating bends and curves.

    • 2

      Convert the measurement to inches. Add 3 inches and then round up to the next unit of 5 inches. For example, if the area is 3 feet long, the measurement converts to 36 inches and rounded up to 40 inches.

    • 3

      Cut six pieces of garden edging to the length of the exposed area.

    • 4

      Lay the edging on the ground parallel about 1/4 inch apart. Place dowels on either side of the stack perpendicular to the edging strips. Line up the topmost dowel's upper edge with the tip of the dowel so that it extends 6 inches below the parallel edging strips.

    • 5

      Lay the end of the edging on the dowels. Staple each strip to the dowel two to three times. Space the staples about 1-1/2 inches apart. This forms the weave's warp portion.

    • 6

      Dividing the privacy screen's width by five finds the number of pieces of edging needed to complete the vertical portion of the weave, the weft. For example, if the fence is 40 inches wide, eight weft pieces are needed.

    • 7

      Cut the necessary number of weft pieces all 30 inches long.

    • 8

      Start weaving the screen together near the left dowel. Insert the end of one of the weft pieces under the first warp piece, and then over the next. Repeat until the piece passes over the final warp piece.

    • 9

      Reverse the order of the steps for the next piece of weft. Insert the end of the weft piece over the first warp piece and then under the next. Repeat until the piece passes under the final warp piece.

    • 10

      Repeat Steps 8 and 9 to add the remaining weft pieces.

    • 11

      Fasten the ends of the weft pieces to the first and last horizontal warp pieces using a heavy-duty stapler and speed staples, or marine glue.

    • 12

      Erect the structure in your lawn by digging a 10-inch to 12-inch deep trench and placing the screen in the pit. Fill in the trench with packed dirt.