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Tall Bedding Plants

Color, texture and height are important elements of garden designs. The idea is to create a garden that appeals to every eye level while still complementing other aspects of the design.
  1. Salvia Splendens

    • In mixed beds, low border plants receive the most sunlight, while taller plants find themselves situated near a high fence or tree trunk. Salvia splendens Van Houttei cultivar grows up to 3 feet tall, thrives in partial sun and yields broad, maroon flowers with hints of scarlet. Use the plant in a mixed bed to complement bright green foliage and flowers.

    Tall Verbena

    • Tall verbena (Verbena bonariensis) gives visual lift to small, sunny beds located in a garden's center. The slender stemmed and fragrant verbena is described as almost see-through. The plant reaches heights up to 6 feet and is topped with purple flower clusters.

    Wild Bergamot

    • Wild bergamot do best when planted amongst other tall flowers in full to partial sun. Wild bergamot's flower is delicate and complex. At the top of the stem, small, pink or lavender inch-long flowers form a spiked, rounded cluster. When featured in xeriscape gardens, their height and color contrast with low-lying boulders and gravel.