Home Garden

How to Dry Cockscomb

Cockscomb get their names due to their resemblance to a rooster's comb. Their feathery flowers are typically red, yellow, orange, gold, pink or burgundy. Cut cockscomb stems work well in fresh floral arrangements, as well as in dried ones. The best way to preserve this type of flower is to air-dry it. It's a simple task that will result in beautiful flowers that will last.

Things You'll Need

  • Garden shears
  • Rubber bands
  • Clothesline
  • Clothes pins
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      Cut the long cockscomb stems off the main plant after they have dried from the morning dew. Choose flowers that are undamaged and are fully developed. They'll look the most attractive after they have dried. Remove the foliage from the stems by carefully stripping it off.

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      Place a small bunch of cockscombs together -- 10 to 15 flowers in a bunch works well. Wrap the bottoms of the stems loosely together with a rubber band.

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      Hang the stems of the cockscomb upside down in an area that is always warm, dark, and well-ventilated. Carefully attach the stems to a clothesline with clothes pins. Allow plenty of space -- 3 to 4 inches -- between each bunch of cockscomb so there is plenty of air ventilation.

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      Allow the cockscomb to dry undisturbed for two to four weeks. To check a flower to see if it's properly dried, try to snap a stem in half. If it doesn't snap, it isn't quite dry enough. Let the bunches hang another week and then check them again.